Newsletter of the SR-52 Users Club
published at
9459 Taylorsville Road
Dayton, OH 45424
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fractured Digits (58/59/PC-100A)
Jared Weinberger (221) is the first (and so far only) 58/59 user
to bring to my attention a means of creating the SR-52's fractured
digits: ° " ' - and blank (see V1N2p5). Jared's approach is an exten-
sion of Rusty Wright's procedure for creating a fractured display
(V2N12p3), but requires printer connection. Jared found that the
sequence: 1234 GTO 479 LRN GTO TRACE ÷ produced the ° and - symbols
in the display of his TI-59 at turn-on. Further investigation reveals
the following: 1) Only 2 fractured digits are produced, and they
are always in the format: .nnnnfnbnnnf where n=numeral, f=fractured
digit, and b=blank; 2) The f on the right is a - or a ° depending upon
whether the display is fixed or "full" floating (decapower MSD≠0);
3) The f on the left is determined by the current partition; and 4)
Somewhat different effects are caused depending upon what keys are
substituted for the second GTO and the ÷ above, and the number and
formatting of displayed digits. For alternate partitionings, the
first GTO above should be followed by the address of the current last
step, and for both the 58 and 59, the following hold: 479.XX produces
a °, 399.XX an ', 319.XX a blank, and 239.XX a "; 559.XX with the
59 produces a -; other possible partitions produce redundant results
or show a numeral in the left f position.
Jared's discovery confirms what many of us had suspected: that
if a way could be found to produce them, the 58/59 fractured digits
would be the same as the 52's. What seems strange is the dependency
upon printer connection (you still can't print them), partitioning,
and why they appear in only 2 display positions, and where they do.
Other members are invited to explore further, and as Jared suggests,
maybe we will eventually be able to control fractured digit genera-
tion and positioning to the extent now known to be possible with the
SR-52. Incidently, Jared notes that trying to make the 58/59 believe
it is connected to the printer by setting flag 9 won't work!
Designing a Program/Data Comparator (59)
Software developers sometimes use code-comparing utility programs
as debugging tools when the differences between 2 versions of a
program or routine need to be detected and isolated, or when there is
reason to believe that the same program or routine stored in 2 separ-
ate memory devices is not represented by the same binary configurations.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The same also applies to PPC program development, and the TI-59 with
its card reader and large partitionable memory ought to be able to
make fast, accurate code comparisons to help the user troubleshoot a
variety of practical problems.
Data comparisons are easy enough to mechanize: pointers can be
moved through 2 banks, accessing paired registers for x=t comparisons,
with mismatches appropriately flagged. But program code can only be
compared when it is treated as data, and here the code transfer rules
complicate things. Not only do the SR-52 rules apply (V1N2p5), but
also if an 8 or 9 is at position B, the overflow number 9.99... D99
is created upon transfer, regardless of what the other 7 step-codes
are. So here is a challenge: Write a 59 or 59/PC-100A program that
will compare the 240 steps of one cardside with those of another,
detecting all possible mismatches, and minimizing false alarms and
user intervention. It might be advantageous to make use of the
program-controlled List capability (V2N10p3).
Double Precision Multiplication (56,57,58,59): Taking advantage
of guard digits operation, Mike Louder (53) has written a routine
about half the length of Norman's (V2N12p1). I've taken the liberty
of paring Mike's even further, resulting in having the user bisect
each factor with a decimal point for the routine listed below. The
key to Mike's approach is forming the 10 MSDs of the product by
Int(F1 X F2) where F1 and F2 are the complete input factors. This
assures that any carries from the MSD of the fractional products
occur properly. Similarly, carries from lower fraction products are
properly handled by summing only the fractional parts of each product.
LA S1 X R/S S2 = Int R/S R1 INV Int X x:t R2 Int + R1 INT B + x:t
LB X R2 INV Int = INV Int rtn. To run: Key multiplicand, press A;
key multiplier, press R/S, see 10 MSDs of product; press R/S, see
10 LSDs of product preceded by a decimal point. Input must be in
the form: ddddd.ddddd .
Efficient Polynomial Evaluator (58/59): Fred Fish (606) has a
routine of the form: LA R*ab = X Rcd + Dsz "ab" A R0 = rtn which
neatly mechanizes the nested multiplication polynomial evaluation
method without using parentheses. Registers ab and cd should be at
the end of available data memory, with Reg ab initialized with n (the
order of the polynomial) and Reg cd containing the input value for the
variable x. Registers 0, 1, ... are initialized with the coefficients
for x0, x1, ...xn, within the limit n < ab. For new case, reinit Rab & cd
Regulated Clock (58/59): Dix Fulton (83) has devised a routine
that combines a timer with the means to automatically correct it with:
000: R0 + INV D.MS Pause x:t RST LA Fix9 ((D.MS - R1)/(x:t D.MS + R0
- R1)) Prd0 x:t CLR x:t R/S LE D.MS Fix4 S1 + R0 + RST. To run:
1. Enter approximate time correction factor (try .0004), key STO 00
2. Start clock with current time in display: hh.mmss, press E.
3. To regulate: Press R/S during a pause, after clock has been
running awhile; key exact time of pressing the R/S, and press A; see del-
ta correction factor displayed; go to step 2.
52-NOTES V3N1p2
Fractured Digits Synthesizer (52): Dick Blayney (610) has a nice
short routine (slightly revised as listed here) for creating fractured
digits in all but positions 0, 10, and 11 (per V1N2p2 numbering), which
substitutes arbitrary numerals where no fracturing is specified, produc-
ing somewhat the same results as the longer V2N3p4 one: 000: 1/x 1 3'
7' yx lnx 1 E' LA X 1 EE ± 12 + 1 = S99 INV EE HLT INV log EE fix0 EE
± PROD99 INV fix R99 ÷ SUM60 R70 rtn. To run: 1. key 10 digits to
produce characters at positions 1-10 per the masking rules (V1N2p5),
press A; 2. Key 2 digits for the position 12 and 13 characters, press
RUN. 3. Press =, and see the synthesized fractured digits display. For
new display, press CLR and go to step 1.
Last Digits Viewer (52): Dick has a variation on Jared's V1N4p6
routine, which suggests that there are better sequences than the ...
STO + 60 ... that we've been using for display fracturing. Dick's
216: LE ÷ SUM60 = p31 is the same length as Jared's, but doesn't
cause wipeout with negative numbers, and appears to properly show the
10th through 13th digits of any machine number. The X operator appears
to work as well as ÷ in this routine, but substitution of PROD for SUM
incurs the wipeout problem Further investigation of various sequences
of the form: ...A B 60 = ... where a is a dyadic operator and b is a
register operator may prove to be fruitful.
A Short Closed-Form Fibonacci Number Generator (56,57,58,59):
Taking advantage of the fact that the second term in the closed-form
formula (V1N4p6) is always small enough to be neglected if results
are rounded to the nearest integer, Joel Pitcairn (514) suggests:
x:t yx x:t ÷ 4 √x + .5 = Int, where the T register in initialized with
(1 + √5)÷2, and the sequence executed with n in the display. Note
that the constant stored in the T register is preserved indefinitely...
an advantage applicable to other problems requiring repeated use of
a constant.
Error State Reversal (52): Following Jared's path (V2N10p2),
John Allen (104) points out that ...INV iferr LBL LBL iferr CE... will
alternately cause and clear the error indication. This takes one less
step than Jared's and saves another step in sensing the condition.
Note that CE can't appear as a label for this to work.
Tips and Miscellany
Friendly Competition: Mort Schwartz (199) has responded to the
challenge of Karl Hoppe's 70 digit square program (V2N5p5,6) with one
written for the HP-67/97. I have tried a number of examples, and they
all appear to work. However, Mort's program takes more than twice as
long to run. Interested members may write Mort or me for copies.
Strange CROM behavior (58/59): Roger gentry (398) decided to
try out sequences of the form Pgm mm R/S (suggested on page V-62 of
the Owner's Manual, but acknowledged by TI as a mistake). Results
appear to be program-dependent as well as machine-state-dependent.
Roger also found strange results from related sequences of the form:
Pgm mm SBR N, where N is undefined in Pgm mm. Members are invited to
report results. While such efforts may not appear to lead to practical
applications, there is the possibility that important aspects of CROM
execution will surface.
52-NOTES V3N1p3
Magnetic Card Extraction (59): Joel Pitcairn (514) suggests re-
starting the drive motor with another card when a just-read card is
hard to remove. Stop the motor with R/S.
Custom CROMs (58/59): TI is currently accepting orders for custom
designed CROMs. For $25,000 is will fabricate up to 1000 copies of up
to 99 customer written programs. Call Dick Cuthbert at TI's Lubbock
facility: (806) 747-3737 X470, for details.
Printer "Hiccup" (58/59/PC-100A): Jared Weinberger (221) has
found that trace execution of an Ind operation on a register outside
the current partition causes the printer to stop momentarily and print
a bit of nonsense in place of the out-of-bounds address.
Soft Flash (58/59): Rusty Wright (581) has found that attempted
INV sin execution of a number less than -1 produces an error display
similar to Mark Stevans' definition of a soft flash (V2N12p4): the
faint C flashes along with the displayed number.
A University Association of Calculator Programmers: Bob Moore
(488) has been organizing students and faculty at the University of
Washington who, among other things, have participated in "...calcula-
tor math labs on campus and manufacturer-sponsored programming seminars
in the Seattle area." As a fund-raiser, Bob's group is marketing the
" uncompromising Zlotnian Calculator." Interested members may
write Bob for details. Bob is one of the few educators to come to my
attention who is examining some of the important pros and cons of
calculators and PPCs in the classroom, and has already addresses some
of the important considerations that all educators must sooner or
later confront. Other members with links to the academic community
may find it enlightening to discuss this topic with Bob, and/or share
their views via 52-NOTES.
Successful Mag Card Recording Check (59): When at least one
spare memory bank is available, Bill Adler (599) suggests using it to
verify newly recorder code/data from another bank before losing it
at machine turn-off, as there are instances where cards appear to
record correctly, but are later found to read improperly.
Agriculture Programs: J E Dunn (791) reports the availability
of a collection of SR-52 and TI-59 programs sponsored by the Iowa
State University Cooperative Extension Service to aid farmers. Write
J E for details.
Interrupt Processing (58/59): Although the new machines don't
have the handy manual angle-mode switch for interrupt processing
(V1N2p3,4 and V2N2p3), Joel Pitcairn (514) suggests a way to accom-
plish the same result (albeit requiring some extra manual keying)
making use of a flag. A flag is put in a convenient place inside
a loop, and written to cause a branch to interrupt processing code
when the flag is set. Then during loop execution, the user keys R/S
Stflg n R/S to get a "safe" look at intermediate results. The inter-
rupt processing code should, of course, have in it an INV Stflg n
Correction: Reinhold's routine (V2N12p5) should have an = before
the last x:t, which takes care of the pending arithmetic, and explains
the purpose of the x:t. The number of steps is 30, as stated. Reinhold
reports that he and a friend have been trying to devise a practical 59
program to calculate all real and complex roots of polynomials up to
about degree 15, and are seeking help from the membership.
52-NOTES V3N1p4
CROM HIRs (58/59): Use of the HIR instructions (V2N9) is showing
up in some of the applications CROM code. T S Cox (9) reports an
HIR 32 at step 240 of the Leisure Library Football program, and Roy
Chardon (515) the use of HIR 8 in Pgm 13 of the Real Estate Library.
More on Unintended CROM Code Execution: Rusty Wright (581)
found a code 90 (List) at step 036 of ML-11, and reports that the
sequence: Pgm 11 SBR 063 causes total wipe-out (except for the CROM!)
when the printer is connected.
Strange LRN Behavior (58/59): Jared Weinberger (221) found that
certain manual sequences in run mode followed by LRN would create
program code. Specifically: 1) STO, SUM, Exc, Prd, or RCL followed
by Ind LRN BST show a code 11 (A); 2) x≥t, x=t, SBR, or GTO followed
by Ind LRN BST produce code 22 (INV); and 3) CP Ind Lbl or CP Lbl Ind
followed by LRN BST produce code 04 (4); code 02 (2) for the 58.
Printer Character Shifting Using the Fix Function (58/59): T S
Cox (9) found that he could left-justify 1-3 characters in the Op 4
Op 6 sequence by first putting the display in a fix 6 format. His
findings lead to the following generalization for all 4 print buffers:
fix n causes an OP 1-4 on the display to be shifted left n places in
the print buffer, provided the display is an integer LE 10-n. For
example, with turn-on display, key 12 Op 2 Op 5, and see a 9 printed
in the 5th position of the first sector. Now, with the 12 in the
display, key fix 2 Op 1 Op 5, and see the 9 in the 4th position. Key
fix 4...6...8, and see the 9 move successively to the left. Fix n for
n odd will, of course, change the code... in this example from the 12
to 0120, which prints 0- .
Writing Good Diagnostic Programs: Reinhold Patzer (689) exper-
ienced a special-case fault with his 59 that suggests another consider-
ation in writing rigorous diagnostic routines (V1N4p4): Provide for
both manual keying and program execution of functions. The case
Reinhold reports may be rare, but it is subtle, and was probably dif-
ficult to isolate: On his 59, "...Reg 65 appears to behave well if
used only by the program. If any key is pressed the second bit of
the first mantissa digit is cleared"!. Reinhold didn't say how long
it took him to isolate this fault... but suppose it had concerned the
mantissa's LSD instead of the MSD... it might well have gone unnoticed
Membership Address Changes: 545: O"Brien Box 127 Somerset, NJ
08873; 658: 20 Confucius Plaza #7C New York, NY 10002; 680: RD 1
Box 286 Newark Valley, NY 13811.
More on Out-of-Bounds Pointer Behavior (58/59): Roger Gentry (398)
has pursued the out-of-bounds pointer phenomenon a bit further (V2N12p2)
and his results lead to the following observations: If the pointer is
positioned within the first octet of steps beyond the current partition,
repeated keying of LRN will eventually put the machine into learn mode.
The initial position of the pointer within the octet produces different
results: For end-of-partition (EOP) + 1. 2 LRNs show step EOP; for
EOP + 2, 2 LRNs show step EOP + 1; for EOP + 3, 2 LRNs show EOP + 2;
EOP + 4, 5, 6 repeat this pattern, except that 3 LRNs are required,
and EOP + 7 and 8 take 4 LRNs. In each case, if a displayed step is
out of bounds, its value is always 00, regardless of what may have
been written there. An SST switches to RUN mode, but BST appears to
operate normally from EOP + 2 to EOP + 1 to EOP. With EOP + 1 or 2
52-NOTES V3N1p5
in the display, LRN SST effectively executes the 00 (or appears to).
"Real" code at steps EOP + 1 or 2 is not affected by any of these
maneuverings. All of this may have something to do with the code
execution buffer (V2N10p5). If so, it would seem that repartitioning
so as to just barely place out of bounds the register whose contents
is currently in the code execution buffer does not completely cut of
access to this buffer.
Fractured Digits Revisited (58/59)
Fred Fish (606) came in second to Jared in the fractured digits
race (by letter), but has a technique that doesn't require printer
connection, and makes possible the generation of at least 3 fractured
digits in the display. Like Jared's, Fred's approach builds on
Rusty's, but the key element is use of the SST function. Following
a display position notation of 0-11 analogous to the 0-13 one adopted
for the SR-52 (V1N2p5), it is possible to fracture positions 1, 2,
and 7 with one sequence, and position 5 with another. Partitioning
determines the position 7 character in the same way as explained on
V3N1p1; similar partitioning dependency, but different rules determine
position 5; positions 1 and 2 can be made ", blank, or unfractured
numeral by specific combinations of flags 0, 1, 5, and 6. Fred's
sequence for fracturing position 7 is: Stflg SST, with a full display,
starting in learn mode at the last step of the current partition. The
same sequence for fracturing position 1 with a " includes the setting
of flag 6; setting both flags 1 and 6 changes the " to a blank. With
only flag 5 set, the " goes in position 2, and setting both flags 0
and 5 changes the " to a blank. Following the SST with = produces a
soft 6. Setting only flags 5 and 6 produces the " at positions 1 and
2. Replacing Stflg SST with fix SST produces the same fracturing, but
after the =, a soft 8 is produced; Dsz SST produces ms 0.0 ds 90 where
ms is the mantissa sign and ds is the decapower sign of the initial
display; and Ifflg SST produces ms 0.0 ds 80. GTO, Lbl, or SBR SST
fracture a position 5 digit, depending on the following partitioning:
239.XX produces a blank, 319.XX a ', 399.XX a °, 479.XX a -, and (for
the 59) 959.00 a " . The execution of the SST in Fred's approach
appears to move the pointer "somewhat" out of bounds: it takes 2
successive LRNs to get into learn mode, but the step displayed is the
"proper" last one (see V3N1p5).
I'll wind this up with a collective hats off to Rusty, Jared,
and Fred for getting us started at 58/59 fractured digits, and look
forward to more inputs from others on this lively topic.
52-NOTES V3N1p6 (end)