This compilation Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Sebastian. No copyright claim is made to original U.S. Government works.

Calculator Patents - Rockwell

U.S. Patent No. Assignee File Date Issue Date Inventor1 Product Title Comments
3914587 Rockwell March 29, 1974 October 21, 1975 Haines - Calculator having a memory preset key -
3965459 Rockwell April 1, 1974 June 22, 1976 Spence - Selectable eight or twelve digit integrated circuit calculator and conditional gate output signal modification circuit therefor -
3990070 Rockwell June 23, 1975 November 2, 1976 Spence - Strobing scheme and keyboard sensing circuit for a one chip calculator -
3999180 Rockwell October 4, 1971 December 21, 1976 Hickman - Multiplex driver system for liquid crystal display -
4004163 Rockwell March 11, 1976 January 18, 1977 Spence - Time delay, charge, transfer circuit Power on reset circuit in calculator chip
4040511 Rockwell September 5, 1975 August 9, 1977 Beaven - Paper moving mechanism Low profile printing mechanism with solenoid driven paper advance, and utilizing fan-fold paper supply
4041330 Rockwell April 1, 1974 August 9, 1977 Spence - Selectable eight or twelve digit integrated circuit calculator and conditional gate output signal modification circuit therefor -
4044335 rockwell August 9, 1976 August 23, 1977 Spence - Memory cell output driver Serial-to-parallel memory system for interfacing between calculator chip and printer
4048632 Rockwell March 5, 1976 September 13, 1977 Spence - Drive circuit for a display -
4100460 Rockwell February 2, 1976 July 11, 1978 Spence - One chip direct drive and keyboard sensing arrangement for light emitting diode and digitron displays Chip can directly drive either LED or gas discharge display
4140957 Rockwell June 20, 1977 February 20, 1979 Rapp - Calculator driving and battery pack recharging circuit -
4224532 Rockwell February 2, 1976 September 23, 1980 Spence - One chip direct drive and keyboard sensing arrangement for light emitting diode and digitron displays Chip can directly drive either LED or gas discharge display
4339134 Rockwell July 5, 1977 July 13, 1982 Macheel - Electronic card game Calculator with blackjack game


1 Where multiple inventors, only first inventor's name is listed.


Last updated November 5, 2006