This compilation Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Sebastian. No copyright claim is made to original U.S. Government works.
U.S. Patent No. | Assignee | File Date | Issue Date | Inventor1 | Product | Title | Comments |
3914587 | Rockwell | March 29, 1974 | October 21, 1975 | Haines | - | Calculator having a memory preset key | - |
3965459 | Rockwell | April 1, 1974 | June 22, 1976 | Spence | - | Selectable eight or twelve digit integrated circuit calculator and conditional gate output signal modification circuit therefor | - |
3990070 | Rockwell | June 23, 1975 | November 2, 1976 | Spence | - | Strobing scheme and keyboard sensing circuit for a one chip calculator | - |
3999180 | Rockwell | October 4, 1971 | December 21, 1976 | Hickman | - | Multiplex driver system for liquid crystal display | - |
4004163 | Rockwell | March 11, 1976 | January 18, 1977 | Spence | - | Time delay, charge, transfer circuit | Power on reset circuit in calculator chip |
4040511 | Rockwell | September 5, 1975 | August 9, 1977 | Beaven | - | Paper moving mechanism | Low profile printing mechanism with solenoid driven paper advance, and utilizing fan-fold paper supply |
4041330 | Rockwell | April 1, 1974 | August 9, 1977 | Spence | - | Selectable eight or twelve digit integrated circuit calculator and conditional gate output signal modification circuit therefor | - |
4044335 | rockwell | August 9, 1976 | August 23, 1977 | Spence | - | Memory cell output driver | Serial-to-parallel memory system for interfacing between calculator chip and printer |
4048632 | Rockwell | March 5, 1976 | September 13, 1977 | Spence | - | Drive circuit for a display | - |
4100460 | Rockwell | February 2, 1976 | July 11, 1978 | Spence | - | One chip direct drive and keyboard sensing arrangement for light emitting diode and digitron displays | Chip can directly drive either LED or gas discharge display |
4140957 | Rockwell | June 20, 1977 | February 20, 1979 | Rapp | - | Calculator driving and battery pack recharging circuit | - |
4224532 | Rockwell | February 2, 1976 | September 23, 1980 | Spence | - | One chip direct drive and keyboard sensing arrangement for light emitting diode and digitron displays | Chip can directly drive either LED or gas discharge display |
4339134 | Rockwell | July 5, 1977 | July 13, 1982 | Macheel | - | Electronic card game | Calculator with blackjack game |
Last updated November 5, 2006