This compilation Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Sebastian. No copyright claim is made to original U.S. Government works.

Calculator Patents - Canon

U.S. Patent No. Assignee File Date Issue Date Inventor1 Product Title Comments
3971924 Canon May 7, 1973 July 27, 1976 Ozawa - Electronic calculator displaying a partial result obtained from a portion of a numberical expression Partial result following parentheses
3981000 Canon January 16, 1973 September 14, 1976 Sado - System for controlling a numeral display Suppression of zeros and commas in fractional portion of displayed number
4044228 Canon August 30, 1974 August 23, 1977 Kishimoto - Electronic calculator with printer Paper advance is software/logic controlled
4053753 Canon March 28, 1975 October 11, 1977 Sado - Electronic calculator with function keys Formula/equation entry method
4064398 Canon March 25, 1974 December 20, 1977 Kishimoto - Electronic calculator Fraction entry
4075705 Canon December 16, 1974 February 21, 1978 Kawabata - Calculator for determining cubic roots Algorithm
4138734 Canon September 19, 1977 February 6, 1979 Nakata - Electronic equipment capable of arithmetic operations Displays data such as pending operators, memory contents, entry count, etc. on multi-line display
4156281 Canon November 16, 1976 May 22, 1979 Hirano - Electronic instrument Dual display calculator/clock/timer
4180711 Canon September 14, 1976 December 25, 1979 Hirata - Desk-top calculator keyboard switch -
4217653 Canon February 16, 1976 August 12, 1980 Nakata - Electronic apparatus for time calculation Time-zone calculator
4217656 Canon July 12, 1976 August 12, 1980 Hirano - Electronic calculator Instructional calculator, see 4225932
4225932 Canon January 20, 1976 September 30, 1980 Hirano - Instructional calculator See 4217656
4261042 Canon March 28, 1978 April 7, 1981 Ishiwatari - Key signal entering device for thin electronic apparatus Anisotropic sheet used in thin calculator keyboard construction, becomes more conductive in region where pressure is applied
4263659 Canon March 27, 1978 April 21, 1981 Hirata - Electronic instrument with a flexible keyboard Thin LCD calculator
4276606 Canon March 19, 1976 June 30, 1981 Harigaya - Date data computer Date calculator with several options for entry sequence for month, day, and year
4321688 Canon September 27, 1976 March 23, 1982 Sado - Electronic equipment capable of statistic processing Improved means of entering paired (e.g. X, Y) data
4344147 Canon November 10, 1978 August 10, 1982 Sado - Electronic calculator with printer Prints out entries and operations is a long-hand columnar manner
4346450 Canon March 3, 1979 August 24, 1982 Matsuyama - Electronic calculator having item count display Item count incremented/decremented when add/subtract key pressed
4347579 Canon March 3, 1979 August 31, 1982 Matsuyama - Electronic instrument having an operation count function Counts additions and subtractions
4352161 Canon October 25, 1976 September 28, 1982 Hirano - Electronic calculator capable of dealing with variables -
4356386 Canon January 30, 1979 October 26, 1982 Hanagata - Desk-top calculator Calculator prints directly on paper under calculator set on a flat surface
4367535 Canon June 11, 1979 January 4, 1983 Matsuyama - Calculator for cross summing a plurality of operands Calculator capable of maintaining multiple subtotals
4379336 Canon Business Machines, Inc. May 30, 1980 April 5, 1983 Yamamoto - Modular calculator with separate keyboard and display Keyboard contains calculator logic (no display); serial link to printer/display unit
4380053 Canon October 17, 1979 April 12, 1983 Takahashi - Memory addressing system for sequentially accessing all memory addresses in a memory area Calculator memory access in a row-column manner
4395704 Canon October 9, 1979 June 26, 1983 Kishimoto - Input device for electronic apparatus Calculator with split keyboard; half of keyboard on folding cover flap
4475164 Canon August 28, 1979 October 2, 1984 Sado - Electronic apparatus having television device Tv with built-in calculator
4481598 Canon March 9, 1981 November 6, 1984 Ishiwata - Electronic equipment having a second function keying means Desktop calculator with secondary displays above keys to indicate second functions - typically unit conversions
4486849 Canon March 19, 1976 December 4, 1984 Harigaya - Computer for calculating compound interest Calculator with compound interest function
4517660 Canon March 27, 1980 May 14, 1985 Fushimoto - Foldable electronic apparatus Folding calculator/organizer with portion of display visible through rigid cover; cover also has keys
4535416 Canon March 9, 1981 August 13, 1985 Kano - Electronic compact function calculator Print graphs/functions
4563552 Canon February 8, 1983 January 7, 1986 Fushimoto - Electronic apparatus for controlling mechanical and electrical connection to memory means Interlock mechanism to turn off calculator before removing ram cartridge
4567354 Canon August 30, 1982 January 28, 1986 Sekine - Electronic instrument Method of making thin calculator
4651295 Canon November 8, 1982 March 17, 1987 Nishikawa - Electronic desk-top calculator Memory-prefix-key for memory operations
4675787 Canon July 12, 1985 June 23, 1987 Suwa - Thin electronic apparatus Thin LCD calculator with rigid metal plate for rigidity
4681987 Canon January 11, 1983 July 21, 1987 Suwa - Electronic equipment having a key input function Thin LCD calculator with thin elastomer key contacts
4711992 Canon August 30, 1982 December 8, 1987 Sekine - Electronic instrument Method of making thin calculator
4774684 Canon January 31, 1985 September 27, 1988 Toyomura - Electronic apparatus with a display means Using individual segments in a standard 7-segment display as annunciators by illuminating individual segments above printed legends
4810860 Canon August 30, 1982 March 7, 1989 Sekine - Electronic instrument Method of making thin calculator


1 Where multiple inventors, only first inventor's name is listed.


Last updated November 5, 2006