This compilation Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Sebastian. No copyright claim is made to original U.S. Government works.
U.S. Patent No. | Assignee | File Date | Issue Date | Inventor1 | Product | Title | Comments |
3971924 | Canon | May 7, 1973 | July 27, 1976 | Ozawa | - | Electronic calculator displaying a partial result obtained from a portion of a numberical expression | Partial result following parentheses |
3981000 | Canon | January 16, 1973 | September 14, 1976 | Sado | - | System for controlling a numeral display | Suppression of zeros and commas in fractional portion of displayed number |
4044228 | Canon | August 30, 1974 | August 23, 1977 | Kishimoto | - | Electronic calculator with printer | Paper advance is software/logic controlled |
4053753 | Canon | March 28, 1975 | October 11, 1977 | Sado | - | Electronic calculator with function keys | Formula/equation entry method |
4064398 | Canon | March 25, 1974 | December 20, 1977 | Kishimoto | - | Electronic calculator | Fraction entry |
4075705 | Canon | December 16, 1974 | February 21, 1978 | Kawabata | - | Calculator for determining cubic roots | Algorithm |
4138734 | Canon | September 19, 1977 | February 6, 1979 | Nakata | - | Electronic equipment capable of arithmetic operations | Displays data such as pending operators, memory contents, entry count, etc. on multi-line display |
4156281 | Canon | November 16, 1976 | May 22, 1979 | Hirano | - | Electronic instrument | Dual display calculator/clock/timer |
4180711 | Canon | September 14, 1976 | December 25, 1979 | Hirata | - | Desk-top calculator keyboard switch | - |
4217653 | Canon | February 16, 1976 | August 12, 1980 | Nakata | - | Electronic apparatus for time calculation | Time-zone calculator |
4217656 | Canon | July 12, 1976 | August 12, 1980 | Hirano | - | Electronic calculator | Instructional calculator, see 4225932 |
4225932 | Canon | January 20, 1976 | September 30, 1980 | Hirano | - | Instructional calculator | See 4217656 |
4261042 | Canon | March 28, 1978 | April 7, 1981 | Ishiwatari | - | Key signal entering device for thin electronic apparatus | Anisotropic sheet used in thin calculator keyboard construction, becomes more conductive in region where pressure is applied |
4263659 | Canon | March 27, 1978 | April 21, 1981 | Hirata | - | Electronic instrument with a flexible keyboard | Thin LCD calculator |
4276606 | Canon | March 19, 1976 | June 30, 1981 | Harigaya | - | Date data computer | Date calculator with several options for entry sequence for month, day, and year |
4321688 | Canon | September 27, 1976 | March 23, 1982 | Sado | - | Electronic equipment capable of statistic processing | Improved means of entering paired (e.g. X, Y) data |
4344147 | Canon | November 10, 1978 | August 10, 1982 | Sado | - | Electronic calculator with printer | Prints out entries and operations is a long-hand columnar manner |
4346450 | Canon | March 3, 1979 | August 24, 1982 | Matsuyama | - | Electronic calculator having item count display | Item count incremented/decremented when add/subtract key pressed |
4347579 | Canon | March 3, 1979 | August 31, 1982 | Matsuyama | - | Electronic instrument having an operation count function | Counts additions and subtractions |
4352161 | Canon | October 25, 1976 | September 28, 1982 | Hirano | - | Electronic calculator capable of dealing with variables | - |
4356386 | Canon | January 30, 1979 | October 26, 1982 | Hanagata | - | Desk-top calculator | Calculator prints directly on paper under calculator set on a flat surface |
4367535 | Canon | June 11, 1979 | January 4, 1983 | Matsuyama | - | Calculator for cross summing a plurality of operands | Calculator capable of maintaining multiple subtotals |
4379336 | Canon Business Machines, Inc. | May 30, 1980 | April 5, 1983 | Yamamoto | - | Modular calculator with separate keyboard and display | Keyboard contains calculator logic (no display); serial link to printer/display unit |
4380053 | Canon | October 17, 1979 | April 12, 1983 | Takahashi | - | Memory addressing system for sequentially accessing all memory addresses in a memory area | Calculator memory access in a row-column manner |
4395704 | Canon | October 9, 1979 | June 26, 1983 | Kishimoto | - | Input device for electronic apparatus | Calculator with split keyboard; half of keyboard on folding cover flap |
4475164 | Canon | August 28, 1979 | October 2, 1984 | Sado | - | Electronic apparatus having television device | Tv with built-in calculator |
4481598 | Canon | March 9, 1981 | November 6, 1984 | Ishiwata | - | Electronic equipment having a second function keying means | Desktop calculator with secondary displays above keys to indicate second functions - typically unit conversions |
4486849 | Canon | March 19, 1976 | December 4, 1984 | Harigaya | - | Computer for calculating compound interest | Calculator with compound interest function |
4517660 | Canon | March 27, 1980 | May 14, 1985 | Fushimoto | - | Foldable electronic apparatus | Folding calculator/organizer with portion of display visible through rigid cover; cover also has keys |
4535416 | Canon | March 9, 1981 | August 13, 1985 | Kano | - | Electronic compact function calculator | Print graphs/functions |
4563552 | Canon | February 8, 1983 | January 7, 1986 | Fushimoto | - | Electronic apparatus for controlling mechanical and electrical connection to memory means | Interlock mechanism to turn off calculator before removing ram cartridge |
4567354 | Canon | August 30, 1982 | January 28, 1986 | Sekine | - | Electronic instrument | Method of making thin calculator |
4651295 | Canon | November 8, 1982 | March 17, 1987 | Nishikawa | - | Electronic desk-top calculator | Memory-prefix-key for memory operations |
4675787 | Canon | July 12, 1985 | June 23, 1987 | Suwa | - | Thin electronic apparatus | Thin LCD calculator with rigid metal plate for rigidity |
4681987 | Canon | January 11, 1983 | July 21, 1987 | Suwa | - | Electronic equipment having a key input function | Thin LCD calculator with thin elastomer key contacts |
4711992 | Canon | August 30, 1982 | December 8, 1987 | Sekine | - | Electronic instrument | Method of making thin calculator |
4774684 | Canon | January 31, 1985 | September 27, 1988 | Toyomura | - | Electronic apparatus with a display means | Using individual segments in a standard 7-segment display as annunciators by illuminating individual segments above printed legends |
4810860 | Canon | August 30, 1982 | March 7, 1989 | Sekine | - | Electronic instrument | Method of making thin calculator |
Last updated November 5, 2006