How the HP-41's printer modes affect printing

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The table below lists how the settings of MANual, TRACE, and NORMal on the HP-41 thermal printer affect processing of the 7 functions/modes listed on the left.
Function	     MAN               TRACE                  NORM
--------      ----------------   ----------------        -------------  
Normal        Does not print     Prints all key          Prints all
calculating   unless a print     pressings plus          key pressings
mode          command is         each intermediate       only
              encountered        display

VIEW, AVIEW   Prints the number  Same as MAN mode        Same as MAN
              or Alpha string

PROMPT        Does not print     Prints Alpha            Prints Alpha

PRX           Prints X right-    Same as MAN mode        Same as MAN

PRA           Prints Alpha       Same as MAN mode        Same as MAN

PRSTK         Prints Stack       Same as MAN mode        Same as MAN

PRP, LIST     Prints program     Prints program          Prints program
              listing left-      with multi-step         right-justified
              justified	lines                

Visitors since 6/12/97