Hewlett-Packard HP-32S
Datasheet legend
Fractions calculation
AC: Alternating current BaseN: Number base calculations Card: Magnetic card storage Cmem: Continuous memory Cond: Conditional execution Const: Scientific constants Cplx: Complex number arithmetic DC: Direct current Eqlib: Equation library Exp: Exponential/logarithmic functions Fin: Financial functions Grph: Graphing capability Hyp: Hyperbolic functions Ind: Indirect addressing Intg: Numerical integration Jump: Unconditional jump (GOTO) Lbl: Program labels LCD: Liquid Crystal Display LED: Light-Emitting Diode Li-ion: Lithium-ion rechargeable battery Lreg: Linear regression (2-variable statistics) mA: Milliamperes of current Mtrx: Matrix support NiCd: Nickel-Cadmium rechargeable battery NiMH: Nickel-metal-hydrite rechargeable battery Prnt: Printer RTC: Real-time clock Sdev: Standard deviation (1-variable statistics) Solv: Equation solver Subr: Subroutine call capability Symb: Symbolic computing Tape: Magnetic tape storage Trig: Trigonometric functions Units: Unit conversions VAC: Volts AC VDC: Volts DC |
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Hewlett-Packard HP-32S
I can't help but love these HP scientific calculators. The HP-32S is another finely crafted engineering marvel. It's fast, it does just about everything a scientific calculator is expected to do, it has enough memory for storing fairly complex programs. It fits in a shirt pocket, runs forever on three watch batteries, and has that rugged feel that HP instruments are so famous for.
Unfortunately, the HP-32S is also a calculator no longer made by Hewlett-Packard. The good news is that a replacement model (HP-32SII) is still being sold in stores.
The programming model of the HP-32S is very similar to that of the HP-42S. It's keystroke programming; program steps are displayed on the calculator's alphanumeric display in mnemonic form. The calculator's 390-byte memory is dynamically divided up between programs and variables; up to 26 named variables can be used, and they are automatically deallocated when their value is set to 0.
Just as a scientific calculator of its class should, the HP-32S has its built-in version of the Gamma function (or to be precise, it provides an extended factorial function that accepts any real argument except negative integers.) On the other hand, the HP-32S has built-in support for complex numbers. This support is not as well integrated as it is with the HP-42S or even the HP-15C (it is necessary to prefix operators with the CMPLX button which makes it a bit cumbersome to write programs that can operate on both complex and real arguments), but it's fairly complete; in addition to complex arithmetic operators, the complex versions of transcendental and trigonometric functions are also implemented. Which makes a complex version of the Gamma function an excellent programming example demonstrating the capabilities of this calculator.
The program below is just that, a Gamma function program that accepts any complex argument for which the function's value is defined. To use, enter the imaginary part of the argument, hit ENTER, enter the real part, then hit XEQ G.
G01 LBL G G02 1 G03 STO G G04 CLx G05 STO H G06 Rv J01 LBL J J02 x>0? J03 GTO H J04 RCL H J05 RCL G J06 CMPLX× J07 STO G J08 Rv J09 STO H J10 Rv J11 1 J12 + J13 GTO J H01 LBL H H02 STO A H03 x<>y H04 STO B H05 x<>y H06 0 H07 2.50662827511 H08 CMPLX× H09 0 H10 83.8676043424 H11 CMPLX+ H12 RCL B H13 RCL A H14 CMPLX× H15 0 H16 1168.92649479 H17 CMPLX+ H18 RCL B H19 RCL A H20 CMPLX× H21 0 H22 8687.24529705 H23 CMPLX+ H24 RCL B H25 RCL A H26 CMPLX× H27 0 H28 36308.2951477 H29 CMPLX+ H30 RCL B H31 RCL A H32 CMPLX× H33 0 H34 80916.6278952 H35 CMPLX+ H36 RCL B H37 RCL A H38 CMPLX× H39 0 H40 75122.633153 H41 CMPLX+ H42 0.006 H43 STO i H44 Rv I01 LBL I I02 RCL B I03 RCL i I04 IP I05 RCL+ A I06 CMPLX÷ I07 ISG i I08 GTO I I09 STO X I10 x<>y I11 STO Y I12 RCL B I13 5.5 I14 RCL+ A I15 RCL B I16 0.5 I17 RCL+ A I18 CMPLXyx I19 RCL B I20 5.5 I21 RCL+ A I22 CMPLX+/- I23 CMPLXex I24 CMPLX× I25 RCL Y I26 RCL X I27 CMPLX× I28 RCL H I29 RCL G I30 CMPLX÷ I31 RTN