Casio FX-730P

Datasheet legend
Ab/c: Fractions calculation
AC: Alternating current
BaseN: Number base calculations
Card: Magnetic card storage
Cmem: Continuous memory
Cond: Conditional execution
Const: Scientific constants
Cplx: Complex number arithmetic
DC: Direct current
Eqlib: Equation library
Exp: Exponential/logarithmic functions
Fin: Financial functions
Grph: Graphing capability
Hyp: Hyperbolic functions
Ind: Indirect addressing
Intg: Numerical integration
Jump: Unconditional jump (GOTO)
Lbl: Program labels
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display
LED: Light-Emitting Diode
Li-ion: Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
Lreg: Linear regression (2-variable statistics)
mA: Milliamperes of current
Mtrx: Matrix support
NiCd: Nickel-Cadmium rechargeable battery
NiMH: Nickel-metal-hydrite rechargeable battery
Prnt: Printer
RTC: Real-time clock
Sdev: Standard deviation (1-variable statistics)
Solv: Equation solver
Subr: Subroutine call capability
Symb: Symbolic computing
Tape: Magnetic tape storage
Trig: Trigonometric functions
Units: Unit conversions
VAC: Volts AC
VDC: Volts DC
Years of production: 1986  Display type: Alphanumeric display  
New price:   Display color: Black  
    Display technology: Liquid crystal display 
Size: 3½"×6½"×½" Display size: 24 characters
Weight: 6 oz    
    Entry method: BASIC expressions 
Batteries: 2×"CR-2032" Lithium + 1×"CR-1220" Lithium Advanced functions: Trig Exp Cmem Snd 
External power:   Memory functions:  
I/O: Casio I/O, expansion port     
    Programming model: BASIC 
Precision: 12 digits Program functions: Jump Cond Subr Lbl Ind  
Memories: 8(0) kilobytes Program display: Text display  
Program memory: 8 kilobytes Program editing: Text editor  
Chipset:   Forensic result: 9.000007164  

fx730p.jpg (32113 bytes)A nice, modern BASIC programmable calculator, the FX-730P is a typical Casio machine. With 8 kilobytes of memory, it is comfortably useful, though not terribly exciting.

The programming model of the FX-730P is demonstrated by the following example, which computes the logarithm of the Gamma function:

10 INPUT "X",X
20 G=1
30 S= SGNX
40 Z= ABSX
50 IF Z>9 THEN 90
60 G=G*Z
70 Z=Z+1
80 GOTO 50
90 G= LN(Z* SQR(Z*( EXP(1/Z)- EXP(-1/Z))/2+1/810/Z^6))*Z- LNG
100 G=G-Z+ LN(2*π/Z)/2
110 IF S>0 THEN 130
120 G= LN(-π/X/ SIN(π*X))-G