Links go stale faster than I am able to check them. I've changed some of these links to point to the "last known good" version of the page archived at If you run across a link that doesn't work (other than links; those can be notoriously slow and less than reliable) please let me know!
- Almetare is an open-source calculator emulator by Friedemann Seebass
- Arithmomuseum is a virtual calculator museum from Hungary
- AVASMATH 80 online programmable scientific calculator
- BASIC Comparison Sheet by Marcus von Cube
- BASIC Programmable Calculators -- Spanish-language site with a large number of manuals
- Bob's Calculators and Slide Rules
- Calculator Benchmarks using the N-queens problem
- Calculator History and Technology Archive by Alex Knight
- Calculators On-line
- The Calculator Reference by Rick Furr
- A Casio/Electronika calculator page by Piotr Piatek, with programming information and emulators for the Russian models
Casio manuals from casiotechno.comCasio manuals at Casio New Zealand- CASette IO Utilities are tools and utilities to handle tape and floppy disk images from vintage pocket computers
- Chris Woodhouse's Bring Back to HP-15C site
- Citizen calculator manuals
- The Computer Conservation Society
- Computer Museum of America
- Computers in Spaceflight: The NASA Experience includes a section on the use of the HP-41C in space
- COP444 microcontroller (used in several early National Semiconductor calculators): application notes
- CURTA Calculators
- Dan Veeneman's Calculators
- Daniel Hertrich's HP palmtop page is Jörg Wörner's beautiful museum dedicated to TI calculators
- David May's Vintage Calculators
- Dimension-TI
- eCalc claims to to be the best online calculator. Best is in the eye of the beholder, but it's certainly decent.
ELEKTRON: Electronic calculators online (Frank Boehm's comprehensive photo library).
eMathHelp: A collection of online calculators showing step-by-step derivations
- Emilio Tozzi's programs for the Casio fx-3900Pv
- Enrico Tedeschi's Old Radio Web site
- File Save as is a site about all kinds of handheld devices
- Gary Muhonen's HP Calculators
- Handheld and Portable Computer Club
- Handheld Computer and Calculator Museum by Shinichiro Osaki
- Hans Bloemen's collection
- Historie de l'informatique: Les calculatrices programmables
- Hogan Engineering supplies civil engineering programs for the HP-48/49
- How to disassemble and clean your TI-59, by Marek Czeszek
- The (HP) Calculator Store of Jose Gonzalez
- HP Handheld Users Conference 2000
- HP vs. industry standard part numbers cross reference by Sphere Research
- HP-15C notes on hacking this calculator
HPDATABase by Craig A. Finseth
HPGene's HP and TI calculator page
- HrastProgrammer's HP emulators
International Association of Calculator Collectors
Jake Schwartz and the PPC CD-ROM Set
- Implementation of Soviet programmable calculator architectures (in Indonesian)
Katie Wass has several calculator manuals on her Web site
- Lawrence D'Oliveiro's TI-5X emulator
- Ledudu: Casio calculators (in French and English)
- Magyar Informatikai- és Számítógépmúzeum (in Hungarian)
- Making new HP battery packs by Douglas W. Jones
- Malcolm Talley's Web page contains valuable technical information about TI calculators, among other things
- Mathematical Resources: Calculators - links by Bruno Kevius
- Mathematics and Electronic Calculators by Alexander Bulatov
- Michael Lawrie, aka. 'Lorry', known as the operator of one of the first MUD-spinoffs, also has a museum of things electronic
Mike Sebastian's technical information page on calculators
- Mir Kalkulatorov (World of Calculators) in Russian
- MK-152: a resurrected Soviet design?
- Mobile Computers Museum by Eiji Kako
- The Model 100 Users Group
The Museum of HP Calculators: It all began (for me, at least) with that old HP-97 and its broken card reader that I managed to repair...
- Museum of Pocket Calculating Devices by Gerhard Wenzel
Museum of Soviet Calculators: I first saw one over 20 years ago... one of the oddest calculators I've ever seen.
- Niederer Electronic AG
- Noël Jouenne's site, still under construction, shows some interesting vintage advertisements from the French magazine Science & Vie
- Non-HP RPN calculators
- Obsolete Computer Museum
- Office Machine Americana
- The Old Calculators Web Museum
- Sefi számítógépei (in Hungarian)
- OpenRPN is the home of a (somewhat ambitious) public, open-hardware project to build a new RPN calculator line
- The Palmtop Network
- is a site dedicated to the Sharp PC-1500 and the Radio Shack PC-2
- PC-Calc is a calculator program for your desktop PC
- Peter Monta's page on calculators, and on reverse-engineering the HP-35
- Pierre Houbert's TI-58/TI-59 page and emulator
- Pocket Calculator Museum by Sinichiro Osaki
- Pocket Computer Museum: by Jean-François Laroche of France.
- Pocket Computer Museum: by Takahiro Hayashi
- POEMS/Pokemun is an emulator for SHARP pocket computers, written by Hiroyuki Kobayashi
- Programbiten Archive (in Swedish)
Programmable Calculators (my personal collection)
- PROM Software's Sharp Pocket Computers page
- RCLcalculators is an open-source Texas Instruments (TI-58 and TI-59) calculator emulator
- The RetroCalc isn't quite "retro" for this purist's taste (there's more to old machines than just an LED display) but it's an exciting project nevertheless.
- Roy F. A. Maclean's Casio site
- A Russian calculator-based measuring system with the MK-61
Sergei Frolov's Soviet calculators
- The secret of the algorithms: details of the CORDIC algorithms by Jacques Laporte
- Sharp Austria calculator (and other) manuals
- silrun Systems has many (mostly Casio) manuals online
- Sinclair Scientific hardware-level simulation
- Swiss Micros (formerly builds RPN calculators
- Taschenrechner und Kleincomputer by Martin Hepperle
- Texas Instruments calculator discussions
- TI-58/59 Hardware Annotations by Sipke de Wal
- TI-59
- TI-59 emulator (and many other programs) by Gemtree Software
- TI-Files
- The TI-TipList contains useful tips for TI-89 and TI-92 calculator owners
- TiLP (formerly GtkTiLink) is an open-source, cross-platform linking program for TI calculators
- Tony Hutchins from New Zealand has a book on financial computation and many HP-200LX goodies on his Web site
- Valentin Abillo's calculator pages
Vertigo is a very good Java-based TI-59 emulator
- Vintage Calculators Web Museum by Nigel Tout
- Vintage TI Calculators forum
- The WP-34S project aims to develop alternative scientific calculator firmware for the HP-20B and HP-30B calculators
- X-Number World
- X-Ray pictures of calculators by Edward Soudentas
- Yagshi's Pocket Computers
- Yet another computer museum, at, contains a virtual library of old computer manuals
Discussion Groups
- The Museum of HP Calculators Forum (daily view)
- Oldcalcs mailing list
- PPC-T mailing list for HP-41 enthusiasts
- Vintage Calculators Forum
Resellers, VARs, repairs, etc.
- Calcpro Online Catalog
- da Vinci Technologies Group
- Eric Armin Inc.
- High Tech Solutions sells TI-74 and TI-95 accessories
- The HP Palmtop Paper: The Ultimate Palmtop Store
- International Calculator and Computer
- Jack Berg Sales calculator products
- Shier Systems and Software
- Source 4 Shopping Mall
- Underwood Distributing Co.
- Wagon Photo
Calculator Manufacturers and OEMs
- Aurex
- Aurora
- Casio Education products
- Citizen calculators
- Creative Creek: Calculator software for Palm OS
- Datexx
- Elektronika
- Hewlett-Packard
- HP in Education Calculator Newsletter
- Karce
- Kenko
- Kinpo
- Radio Shack/Tandy FaxBack info sheets
- Sunway International
- Texas Instruments