Compucorp 344 Statistician
Datasheet legend
Fractions calculation
AC: Alternating current BaseN: Number base calculations Card: Magnetic card storage Cmem: Continuous memory Cond: Conditional execution Const: Scientific constants Cplx: Complex number arithmetic DC: Direct current Eqlib: Equation library Exp: Exponential/logarithmic functions Fin: Financial functions Grph: Graphing capability Hyp: Hyperbolic functions Ind: Indirect addressing Intg: Numerical integration Jump: Unconditional jump (GOTO) Lbl: Program labels LCD: Liquid Crystal Display LED: Light-Emitting Diode Li-ion: Lithium-ion rechargeable battery Lreg: Linear regression (2-variable statistics) mA: Milliamperes of current Mtrx: Matrix support NiCd: Nickel-Cadmium rechargeable battery NiMH: Nickel-metal-hydrite rechargeable battery Prnt: Printer RTC: Real-time clock Sdev: Standard deviation (1-variable statistics) Solv: Equation solver Subr: Subroutine call capability Symb: Symbolic computing Tape: Magnetic tape storage Trig: Trigonometric functions Units: Unit conversions VAC: Volts AC VDC: Volts DC |
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Compucorp 344 Statistician
The Compucorp 344 Statistician was the high-end business-oriented member of Compucorp's fabulous handheld calculator product line. (The statistical line had no equivalent to the top-of-the-line scientific model, the 326.) Like its scientific counterpart, the Compucorp 324G, the 344 had room for 2 programs, maximum 80 steps each. It also had a full complement of one and two-variable statistical functions.
I received this 344, my first statistical Compucorp machine, a few weeks ago; it was in a non-working condition. Taking it apart and cleaning some of the contacts helped, but only to a certain extent; now I got some garbage digits and characters on the display, but nothing more. However, this was enough to verify that the display itself was functional (although there was some bleeding around the edges of heavily used display segments, indicating that this machine was used a lot) so I promptly proceeded to swap the display module with that of my 322G, which (I thought) was working fine except for a dead display.
Well, I was wrong. My 322G still doesn't work, but my 344 mysteriously came to life after display surgery! Which means a lot of good news and some bad news. Good news because I have a working 344. Good news because the display module from my 322G, which I thought was dead, is also working, giving me reason to hope that I'll be able to restore that machine one day as well. Bad news because my theory about the cause of its malfunction was proven wrong. So much for theories in the face of ugly facts; but who cares about a broken theory when the facts aren't ugly?
The programming model of the Compucorp 344 is essentially identical to that of the Compucorp 324G, the only difference being the different set of special functions (trigonometric and scientific functions on the 324G, statistical functions on the 344.) Like the 324G, the 344 also sports the unusual 2ND FUNCkey that is applied after a dual-function button has been pressed, and merely swaps the contents of the display with a temporary register that contains the result of the secondary function.
The Gamma function program example I wrote for the 324G can be used without alteration on the 344. Here it is again, reproduced for completeness. To use this program, you must also populate registers 4-9 with constant values:
M4=√2π M5=68.82784822 M6=755.9596084 M7=4151.488796 M8=11399.36541 M9=12520.43913 01 STn 02 2 03 STn 04 3 05 1 06 + 07 RCLn 08 2 09 = 10 STn 11 × 12 3 13 = 14 STn 15 × 16 3 17 = 18 STn 19 × 20 3 21 = 22 STn 23 × 24 3 25 = 26 STn 27 × 28 3 29 + 30 . 31 5 32 ax 33 ( 34 - 35 2ND 36 5 37 ) 38 ÷ 39 2ND 40 ex 41 × 42 ( 43 RCLn 44 4 45 × 46 RCLn 47 2 48 + 49 RCLn 50 5 51 × 52 RCLn 53 2 54 + 55 RCLn 56 6 57 × 58 RCLn 59 2 60 + 61 RCLn 62 7 63 × 64 RCLn 65 2 66 + 67 RCLn 68 8 69 × 70 RCLn 71 2 72 + 73 RCLn 74 9 75 ) 76 ÷ 77 RCLn 78 3 79 = 80 STOP